Ahab's endless search for the white whale led him across the seven seas. New flavors and experiences awaited him and his crew at each port leading to a new pursuit; for the perfect beer encapsulating the citrus flavors of the tropics and beyond. Bright aromas of tangerine, lime, lemongrass and pine all rise to create a bright, worldly IPA.
light golden Color hazy Body. 5 SRM
7.2% ABV • 58 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
Pilsner, Flaked Wheat, Carapils
Hop Varieties
Calypso, Mandarina, Dr. Rudi
Special Ingredients
Yeast Strain
Chico Ale
“Ahab’s Pursuit was one of our first IPAs that featured the Mandarina and Dr. Rudi hop varietals and we have been hooked ever since! The balance of tangerine and piney resin aromas blend so perfectly, almost like a sweet and savory but with aromas. ”
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