The water calmly laps onto the shore. The scent of oranges hangs in the breeze. Calypso's smile beckons.
"Why would anyone ever want to leave?" you think to yourself as you lie back onto the sand...
Calypso's Cove is a seductive Belgian IPA. The sweet Belgian malts tasting of graham cracker and cherry trap the aromas of the Calypso hops so well. Orange peel, lemon, and pineapple eventually surface and keep you coming back for more. Which is just fine, you can stay in the Cove for a long, long time.
Light Copper Color Clear Body. 7.8 SRM
5.5% ABV • 50 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
Pilsner, Caramunich
Hop Varieties
Bravo for bittering, Calypso and Mandarina for aroma
Special Ingredients
Dry hopped with Calypso and Mandarina
Yeast Strain
Trappist Ale
“Perfect balance of fruit and malt flavors coming through. You get a little orange, cherry, and caramel in the finish-almost like an Olde Fashioned cocktail.”
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