There is a legendary creature that lurks in the heart of Mexico and is the scourge of all goatherds. Much like the beast itself, this smooth Mexican lager bursts forward with rich flavor and leaves no trace behind. The first in our lager series, this amber brew is sure to leave you so content that you won't care what happens to the flock!
Auburn Color clear Body. 9 SRM
5.2% ABV • 32 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
Pilsner, Vienna, Flaked Maize
Hop Varieties
Bravo, East Kent Golding
Special Ingredients
Yeast Strain
Vienna Lager
“El Chupalagra was the very first lager that we brewed at White Street. There was definitely a learning curve to the Vienna lager yeast strain. We had to refine our techniques, nail our temperatures, and employ patience but the result is this beautifully clean beer with a smooth finish. ”
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