Although Folktale is perfect for any season, you’ll only be able to catch it this Fall.
Amber malts create a smooth body while Tettnang hops provide a slight floral aroma making this beer irresistible and almost too good to be true. Don’t let its light body and low abv fool you, Folktale packs a full flavor palate.
Share a Folktale with friends and family to become your own local legend.
Coming soon to a grocer near you…
Light copper color. CLear body. 8 SRM
4.7% ABV • 14 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom, In Stores
Malt Varieties
Marris Otter, C-60, C-120
Hop Varieties
Tettnang, Dr. Rudi
Special Ingredients
Yeast Strain
“Folktale is a gorgeous beer with a beautiful bright copper color. We are all so proud of the full flavor profile in this light beer. ”
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