To the winner goes the spoils! Friar's Spoils is the winning beer from the 2016 WSBG Open, a homebrew competition put on by our White Street Brewers Guild. Winner, David White, along with the White Street Brew Crew created this champion of a Belgian Tripel. Brewed with Belgian rock candi and traditional Belgian malts, this delectable brew is enough to tempt even the most pious men of the cloth.
Goldenrod color. Clear body. 6 SRM
9.3% ABV • 31 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
Pilsner, Castle 2-Row, Abbey, Carapils
Hop Varieties
Tettnang, Warrior
Special Ingredients
Belgian Rock Candi
Yeast Strain
Trappist Ale
“We loved working with David on this batch! It’s always great to feed off of a homebrewer’s enthusiasm and passion for beer. This Tripel was a true collaboration and it’s a great representation of this classic Belgian style.”
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