Sometimes a great idea will come along that can change the world. Sometimes a great idea can just turn into a beer. This beer.
"I've Got It!" is a bright session IPA using only the Eureka! hop. Expect to be surprised with aromas of pine and dark fruit like cherries and black currants. This light session beer is pleasantly packed with complexity that will hopefully bring you to your own 'Ah-ha!' moment.
Straw Color Clear Body. 3.2 SRM
4.7% ABV • 40 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
2-Row, Carapils
Hop Varieties
Special Ingredients
Yeast Strain
American Ale
I've Got It! from White Street on Vimeo.
“We wanted to roll out another single-hop offering in the taproom and when we were talking about what hop to showcase, we all reached for Eureka! The flavor and aroma will kind of mess with your brain though since you’ll be drinking a light beer but tasting dark fruits.”
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