One on 1 is a highly drinkable SMaSh (Single Malt/Single Hop) Pale Ale. It uses only Vienna malt and only the Mosaic hop but is anything but one-dimensional.
The Mosaic hop gives huge aromas of earthy, floral, and citrus all by itself. A slight breadiness and tangerine flavor lingers after each sip.
This fun little beer will have you begging for a rematch after each glass!
Clear Goldenrod Body. 5 SRM
5.8% ABV • 42 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
Hop Varieties
Special Ingredients
Dry-hopped with Mosaic
Yeast Strain
American Ale
“The Mosaic hop is perfect for a single hop addition because its aromas are so complex. It actually gets its name from the artistic assortment of aromas and flavors it is capable of presenting. Since this is such a light malt base, no hops were added in the boil-just late hop additions after flameout. This means there’s just enough bitterness to balance the sweet Vienna malts.”
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