You work hard, we get it. This is the beer that will keep you in motion. Each sip offers bright and refreshing flavors that settle with a clean finish. Hike a trail, coast along a river or host a cookout. However you unwind, Relaxession is the perfect companion.
Clear golden color. 5 SRM
4.5% ABV • 48 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
Pilsner, CaraFoam, Rye
Hop Varieties
Amarillo, Centennial, Simcoe
Special Ingredients
Dry- hopped with Centennial hops
Yeast Strain
“We wanted to craft a beer that we could drink after shifts or just while reclining. So, Relaxession was born. The addition of Rye and cara malts gives this Session IPA a full-body while Centennial and Simcoe dry hops creates a bright citrus aroma without being overly bitter. This is truly a drinkable beer that we have fallen in love with making and, of course, drinking. ”
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