This Nut Brown Ale drinks smoother than its 25 IBU might infer. Its full body is accompanied by hints of toasted caramel and candied walnuts. Pale Choc and Melanoiden malts officiate a marriage of sweet and savory with each sip. This classic ale is a reminder that the journey is just as important as the destination. Sit back and let The Highway take you wherever you need to go.
Red Color Clear Body. 18 SRM
4.6% ABV • 25 IBU •
Availability: Limited
On Draught in the Taproom
Malt Varieties
2 Row, Melanoiden, Pale Choc, C120
Hop Varieties
Special Ingredients
Yeast Strain
Scottish Ale
“We didn’t plan for the ABV and IBU numbers to hit at those exact numbers... it just, happened. ”
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